Vender arte online no es sencillo ni barato

Selling art online is neither simple nor cheap

Apr 24, 2024

Selling Art in the Digital Age

The art world is constantly evolving, and selling art online has become an indispensable tool for galleries looking to expand their reach and reach new collectors

If you're an art gallery owner looking to enter the digital world, this article will help you understand a lot about this growing market.

The rise of the online art market

The online art market has experienced exponential growth in recent years. According to Art Economics, online art sales in 2023 reached $11.8 billion, representing a 7% increase from 2022. This growth even exceeds the total sales volume for the year 2019.

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of e-commerce across all sectors, including the art market. While in-person exhibitions and art fairs have returned to their regular calendar, online sales have remained strong, cementing a hybrid business model that combines the best of both worlds.

Why sell art online?

Selling art online offers galleries a number of benefits, including:

  1. Greater reach: The online marketplace allows you to reach a global audience of potential buyers, without geographical limitations.
  2. Cost reduction: Reduce the need for such a large physical space to house all the works.
  3. Flexibility: Online platforms allow galleries to sell their artwork 24/7.
  4. Access to new data: Online platforms generate valuable data on shopper behavior, which can be used to improve marketing and sales strategies.

How to sell art online successfully?

To sell art online successfully, you need to develop a comprehensive strategy, spend time, money, and have knowledge of online marketing.

We explain it in detail in the following video, don't miss it.

RedCollectors as a solution for galleries

Unlike a traditional e-commerce, a marketplace dedicated to art, such as RedCollectors, offers galleries a wide variety of additional services that can be very beneficial, such as:

  • Increased reach and collector base: We invest heavily in marketing and advertising, allowing us to reach a large volume of potential customers.
  • Trust and credibility: Secure payment gateways and our reputation build trust with buyers.
  • Brand exposure and visibility: Selling on RedCollectors doesn't mean giving up the gallery's brand identity, but you can take advantage of the dedicated space to reinforce it.
  • Additional services: We offer additional services such as inventory management, customer service, logistics, and digital promotion.

If you want more information, you can visit our section of services for art galleries or you can contact us directly in link.

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