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Francisco Rodríguez Pino - "Student
Artist Biography: Francisco Rodriguez was born in 1989 in Santiago, Chile. For Francisco Rodriguez painting is not only a way of seeing or thinking, but, even more radical, a way of being seen by thinking and seeing out loud. His imagination clings to the mind like heavy wool or damp winter air. Consisting of firmly delineated figures that populate dark or gray-toned landscapes: men in shadows, packs of red-eyed dogs, and crows occupying the central space of a canvas, Rodriguez's canvases do not exchange conventional stories or pretend to portray realistic landscapes, beyond, that is, freely noting some recognizable elements. Instead, they evoke atmospheres that propose questions rather than answers, enigmas rather than direct meanings. As a whole, these works are unexpected narra6ves, like Japanese haiku, full of insinuations and ambiguous ellipses. But it is not only in their signifying projection that Rodriguez seems to establish his relationship with Japan; his flat, solid-color paintings, drawings and simple compositions also make reference to Japanese graphic animations and drawings.
This work includes a certificate of authenticity. A certificate of authenticity is a document from an authoritative source that verifies the authentication value of the work of art. The certificate may be signed by the author of the work, by the representing gallery or by the printmaker who collaborated with the artist on the work.
The information usually included in a certificate of authenticity is: name of the artist, details of the work (title, date, support, dimensions) and an image of the work.
- Keep works of art away from direct sunlight and any other source of heat (heating, air conditioning, etc.). Avoid hanging works of art near smoky and polluted areas (such as fireplaces or kitchens). We advise you to protect the paintings with a glass frame.
- Avoid sudden changes in temperature. It is recommended to keep the paintings in areas with an ambient temperature of between 18-20º and 50% relative humidity.
- If the work is to be permanently illuminated, we recommend the use of cold light bulbs. Use a soft feather duster for periodic cleaning of the work. Never use household cleaner.
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