Los Sevillanos, 1993
28,5 x 42 x 2,6 cm
3.025 €
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PEDRO G. ROMERO - Los Sevillanos

Technique: Photography, typed text on paper and edible varnish on wood. Photography, typed text on paper and edible varnish on wood.

Artist Biography:

Aracena, Spain, 1964.

Pedro G. Romero has been working as an artist since 1985. He is currently working on two large devices, the Archivo F.X. and the Máquina P.H. He participates in UNIA arteypensamiento and the PRPC (Plataforma de Reflexión de Políticas Culturales) in Seville. In 1999 he published The work within the Almadraba project developed in Tangier, Tarifa and Gibraltar. Curator of the project ...of Arab features in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Brazil and El Salvador between 2008 and 2010. He is curator of the project Treaty of Peace for the Cultural Capital DSS2016. Curator of Poesía Brossa, together with Teresa Grandas, for the Macba in Barcelona. For the City Council of Seville he prepares, together with Luis Montiel and Joaquín Vázquez, the exhibition Aplicación Murillo: materialismo, charitas y populismo. He is a participating artist in Documenta14 Athens/Kassel. With the F.X. Archive he has presented, among others, the project La Comunidad vacía. Política, (2006) for the Fundació Antoni Tàpies in Barcelona, Economía Picasso: Economía (2012) for the Museo Picasso Barcelona and Una violencia pura: a?'s??s?? (2016) at the Museo San Telmo in Donostia/San Sebastián and other venues in the Basque Country.

In 2007 he presented Thesaurus: Vandalism in the ancient mosque of Yeni Tzami, in Heterotopias, di/visions (from here and elsewhere), Thessaloniki, Greece. In 2009 he showed Archivo F.X.: Silo, a recapitulation, at the Monasterio de Silos/MNCARS. In 2010 he exhibited Thesaurus: Murcia for at Manifesta8 in the region of Murcia, Spain, in dialogue with North Africa. Most recently he has displayed his work in The Modern School for the 31st Sao Paulo Biennial. The publication Wirtschaft, Ökonomie, Komjunktur, based on the project exhibited at the Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, has been published by Spector Books, Germany. In 2016, as curator/curator the F.X. Archive presented Sacer. El martirio de las cosas, at the Espacio Santa Clara in Seville. In 2017, he has just presented Don Dinero Dos, at the Casa sin fin gallery in Madrid and edited with Periférica the book of texts Los dineros. In 2018 he is presenting the exhibition Habitación (Room) at the CA2M in Móstoles, the University of Valencia and the MNAC in Barcelona, the first in a series of anthologies that bring the work of the F.X. Archive to a close.

In Máquina P.H. he promotes the Plataforma Independiente de Estudios Flamencos Modernos y Contemporáneos He is artistic director of the bailaor Israel Galván and collaborates with different artists, from Rocío Márquez to Tomás de Perrate, for example. He was curator of the project Ocaña. Acciones, actuaciones, activismo 1973-1983 for the Virreina in Barcelona and the Centro de Arte Montehermoso in Vitoria. The publishing house mudito has just released his book Exaltación de la visión sobre el cine de Val del Omar and the compilation El ojo partido. Flamenco, cultura de masas y vanguardias (Flamenco, mass culture and avant-garde) by Athenaica Ediciones. He is currently presenting, together with the architect María García, the project Máquinas de Vivir. Flamenco y arquitectura en la ocupación y desocupación de espacios, which has been presented at Centro/Centro in Madrid and at the Virreina in Barcelona. Between 2018 and 2019, she is developing, a c, the project "forma-de-vida", on the work of art in flamenco, gypsies and Roma, for the Bergen Assembly in Norway and the Kunstvereim in Stuttgart. His work Las sabias has been the image of the poster for the XX Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla.

Aracena, Spain, 1964.

Pedro G. Romero has been operating as an artist since 1985. At present he is developing two ongoing projects: the Archivo F.X and the Máquina P.H and is participating in UNIA arteypensamiento and the PRPC (Plataforma de Reflexión de Políticas Culturales) in Seville. In 1999 he published El trabajo within the project Almadraba, exhibited in Tangier, Tarifa and Gibraltar and then in 2008-09 he acted as curator of de rasgos árabes in Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Brasil and El Salvador. In 2016 he curated Tratado de Paz for the cultural capital DSS2016. In 2017-18 he curated - together with Teresa Grandas - of Poesía Brossa for the MACBA in Barcelona. In 2018-19 at the request of the Seville city council, the artist prepared an exhibition Aplicación Murillo: materialismo, charitas y populismo, together with Luis Montiel and Joaquín Vázquez. He also participated in Documenta14 Athens/Kassel. With the Archivo F.X he has presented exhibitions such as, La Comunidad vacía, Política, (2006) for the Fundacion Tapies in Barcelona, Economía Picasso: Economía, (2012) for the Museo Picasso in Barcelona and Una violencia pura: a?'s??s?? (2016) in the Museum of San Telmo de Donostia/San Sebastian - and in other spaces throughout the Basque country.

In 2007 he presented Thesaurus: Vandalism in the old mosque of Yeni Tzami as part of the exhibition titled Heterotopias, di/visions (from here and elsewhere), in Salonica, Greece. In 2009 he exhibited Archivo F.X.: Silo - as a mode of recapitulation - in the monastery of Silos/MNCARS. In 2010 he exhibited Thesaurus: Murica for in Manifesta8 in the region of Muirca in Spain, in dialogue with the north of Africa. Recently, he has exhibited work at La Escuela Moderna for the 31 Bienal of Sao Paulo. He has appeared in the Spector Books Editorial, Germany in the publication Wirtschaft, Ökonomie, Komjunktur as a result of the Project exhibited in the Württembergischer Kunstverein in Stuttgart. In 2016 as curator of the Archivo F.X he presented Sacer: El Martio de las cosas in Santa Clara in Seville. In 2017 he presented Don Dinero Dos, in the Casa Sin Fin gallery in Madrid and he has edited - together with Periferica - the book of texts titled Los Dineros. In 2018 he is presenting in CA2M of Mostoles, the University of Valencia and in the MNAC in Barcelona he is exhibiting Habitacion, the first of a series of anthologies that signify the close of the work of Archive F.X.
In Maquina, P.H promotes the Independent Platform of Modern and Contemprary Flamenco Studies ( He is the artistic director for the dancer Israel Galvan and he collaborates with various artists such as Rocio Marquez a Tomas de Perrate. He curated the project Ocana: Acciones, Actuaciones, Activism 1973-1983 for the Vierreina of Barcelona and the Centre of Arte Montehermoso in Vitoria. The editors Mudito have just released his book titled Exaltacion de la Vision that investigates the cinema of Val de Omar and the compilation El ojo Partido: Flamenco, Cultura, de Masas y Vanguardias in Athenaica Editions. He is also presenting, together with the architect Maria Garcia, with the project Maquinas de Vivir: Flamenco y arquitectura en la ocupación y desocupacion de espacios that has been exhibited in the Centre of Madrid and in the Vierreina of Barcelona. Through 2018 and 2019 he will unfold, on a European scale, a project titled forma-de-vida about the work of art Flemish, gypsy and Roma cultures for the assembly in Bergen in Norway and the Kunstvereim in Stuttgart. His work Las Sabias has been used as the publicity images for the XX Bienal de Flamenco in Seville.



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The information usually included in a certificate of authenticity is: name of the artist, details of the work (title, date, support, dimensions) and an image of the work.

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