Where it was dark' - Group exhibition



1. m. _Astron_. Total or partial transitory occultation of a star by the interposition of another celestial body.

The word eclipse comes from the Greek word ékleipsis, which means disappearance, abandonment. Every time an eclipse occurs, a night occurs within a day; minutes later, a new day begins within another day that has already begun. Light, darkness, light. A rebirth that takes place as the fruit of an occultation, as if it were a cosmic ritual. A ritual that takes place here out of necessity, not for entertainment. Those who live with their backs turned to their essence do so in a state of constant abandonment, eclipsed behind the shadow of what they should be like. That of unattainable, cyclical canons and socially imposed conventions. When a beam of light blinds us, we close our eyes or put up a hand so that it doesn't reach us. We need that instant of shadow in order to be able to see. To discover our true essence. We disappear in order to see the light that now enters where it was dark.