

Fernando Pradilla Gallery presents the eighth solo exhibition of Juan Francisco Casas (La Carolina, Jaén, 1976) entitled #LATERRAZADEJUANFRI. It is an exhibition focused on the theme of the party and its anthropological and cultural value. According to the artist, during the party the ephemeral and the banal gain strength, becoming objects of worship of a community of people who gather to celebrate life. The party thus becomes the stage on which each individual manifests his or her true self, and the identities of each member of a generation to which Juan Francisco Casas belongs come to light. A generation to which the artist makes us participate with his personal and intimate history, told through the people portrayed in his works and who build their past and present. The project consists of recent works made with colored Bic pen specifically for the exhibition at the Fernando Pradilla Gallery, and will be on display until July 1st.

Juan Francisco Casas Exhibition