I came not to bring peace but the sword'.


The gallery Fernando Pradilla presents the sixth solo exhibition of the Brazilian artist Beth Moysés (Sao Paulo, 1960), whose versatile practice encompasses photography, video, installation, sculpture, digital animation and performance. Under the title I did not come to bring peace but the sword, Moysés proposes an exhibition that is openly in tune with the most pressing current events. In her career spanning more than two decades, Beth Moysés has ceaselessly investigated the subtle and human aspects of the impact of violence on women, calling for an art committed to the defence of their rights and focused on the complexity of women's relationships and feelings towards men, the family and society. This project is perhaps the one that Beth has approached from a more personal perspective, situating her own body as a starting point to experience "an exercise of reduction - according to her own words - of the weight that we carry in these times of mourning".