

Almost four years after his last solo exhibition at Moret Art, the sculptor from Paradela returns with "Weightless", his fourth show in our space, in which he presents his most recent work. The author continues his research into the interrelationship between space-work-spectator, and in this latest series, his human figures relate to gravity in an abnormal way, adopting positions that are almost implausible for the logic of contemplation. This is a new project, of which he says: "I try to take the gaze - which I must assume to be an accomplice of the laws of physics - out of visual comfort and I arrange the volume by forcing that starting point. The works are anchored without associating their rest with either the vertical or the horizontal. The spectator gives them back their logic but first has to relocate it by himself. There is no other objective than to provoke the necessary activity to return things to their place, a process that we can define as an exercise in depth". Thus, we find human figures, all of them in unusual postures, which are placed on the floor or on the wall with the help of metal cables, trunks or wooden sticks, and which at first sight produce strangeness and bewilderment in the spectator. A series of characters - some dressed and others unclothed - are presented isolated or grouped in twos, and another group is characterised by being linked, always on an individual level, with vine trunks, and wearing a suit and tie. These are pieces made with the artist's favourite material, wood, on this occasion chestnut, vine and eucalyptus, and which stylistically belong to the expressionist figuration so characteristic of De la Vega, in which the traces of the tools can be seen, charged with feeling and immediacy.