The Bragales Collection has a splendid art-historical collection, an important part of which is dedicated to post-war Spanish painting and the avant-garde until the end of the dictatorship (The School of Paris, School of Madrid, El Paso Informalism, Painting of the 1970s). For the current exhibition in the Sala Mauro Muriedas, a group of 42 works of figurative and informalist abstract art that speak an innovative creative language have been chosen. It is also necessary to emphasise that these paintings personified a pictorial testimony of the desolate artistic panorama of his time, a chronicle of the prohibitions and rigorous social control that anathematized freedom of thought in the dictatorship of the Franco regime. [...] Jesús Alberto Pérez Castaños. Exhibition curator.

About the collection


The Bragales Collection is the result of Jaime Sordo's work as a collector of modern and contemporary art. Jaime, an engineer by profession and businessman by vocation, began his relationship with art in the 70s, when he acquired his first pieces while still a university student. That was the beginning of a passion that has seen no end and that continues to drag him to national and international fairs, to galleries all over the world or to receive awards such as the recognition as collector of the year 2013 by the Institute of Contemporary Art (IAC).

His commitment to art and collecting has led him to promote, together with a large number of national collectors, the 9915 Association, of which he is President.


The Bragales Collection is the result of Jaime Sordo's work as a collector of modern and contemporary art. Jaime, an engineer by profession and businessman by vocation, began his relationship with art in the 70s, when he acquired his first pieces while still a university student. That was the beginning of a passion that has seen no end and that continues to drag him to national and international fairs, to galleries all over the world or to receive awards such as the recognition as collector of the year 2013 by the Institute of Contemporary Art (IAC). His commitment to art and collecting has led him to promote, together with a large number of national collectors, the 9915 Association, of which he is President.



Assembly. Salvador Ranero