Galería Cayón is pleased to present "Cruz-Diez. Color as action", an extension of the exhibition shown in our Menorca space during the summer months. This is undoubtedly the most special exhibition since Cayón began representing Carlos Cruz-Diez (Caracas, Venezuela, 1923-Paris, France, 2019) almost a decade and a half ago as it is the first after his death in the summer of 2019 at the age of 95.

It is, moreover, one of the most ambitious exhibitions conceived for a gallery by the creator as it is composed of a series of works made between 2008 and 2019, a period considered by Cruz-Diez as his most fertile period as he always said that he had found in recent times -and after half a century researching and adding means and technical advances- the chromatic subtlety that he had been looking for with determination since 1959.

The exhibition, therefore, may well be considered a compendium of the lines of work that defined his production. Cruz-Diez was clear that demonstrating the "autonomy of color" could only be done, with the didactic and scientific zeal that always characterized him, through various ways of working, all equally valid and important, indeed, all essential.

In recent years, Carlos Cruz-Diez received the National Order of the Legion of Honor (2012), participated in the 2014 Liverpool Biennial and was awarded the Turner Medal (2015); Trebbia International Prize (2016).His work has gained recognition in numerous exhibitions around the world, with his latest shows in China (held between 2010 and 2014) being the most visited. His work is part of the collection of prestigious museums such as The Tate Modern, London; The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York; the Georges Pompidou Art Center, Paris; the Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Paris or The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, among many others. Carlos Cruz-Diez will represent France at the Dubai Universal Exposition 2020, suspended last year due to the pandemic, to be inaugurated in October 2021.