Photoclubbing: Barcelona - São Paulo (1932-1964)'.


It speaks of mountains, of exile, of artistic journeys and experimental gazes. It speaks of migration. It also speaks of the passage of time and the volatility of the landscape, of the traces that photography leaves on the skin of history.

The discovery of unpublished photographs by Marcel Giró (Badalona, 1912 - Barcelona, 2011) and Palmira Puig (Tàrrega, 1912 - Barcelona, 1978), exhibited here, has prompted a review of their work. The research has led to the discovery of an artistic link between different photographic clubs, of which Giró was a member. On the one hand, the Foto Cine Clube Bandeirante (FCCB) in São Paulo and, on the other, the Centre Excursionista de Catalunya (CEC), giving rise to the conceptual core of this exhibition: the photoclub spirit.


Marcel Giró

Palmira Puig

Albert Oliveras i Folch

Antoni Campañà

German Lorca

Rubens Teixeira Scavone

Eduardo Salvatore