Trace Evidence


Trace Evidence': In art, the presence of physicality engenders a symbiosis. An exchange between artist and observer that relies on the act of creating to understand the creation itself. This register of activity resides primarily in the process. When it becomes visible, when an artist consciously leaves traces of life, the encounter with his work goes beyond casual viewing to convey the purity of imperfection and the complexity of human expression.

The works by Tom Anholt, Igor Moritz, Sola Olulode and Ivana de Vivanco in "Trace Evidence" disclose material and mental environments through narratives of a shared cultural existence. This exhibition explores the necessity of biography, referring to essayist Roland Barthes' doctrine of the "death of the author" and how character need not condition interpretation. Instead, he favours those shared glimpses of circumstances, episodes and incidents. Art as lived experience.


Tom Anholt

Igor Moritz

Sola Olulode

Ivana de Vivanco