Latin American metaphors
Latin American metaphors
Conversation between artist and collector | José Antonio Hernández-Diez and Jimmy Belilty
On 23 September we began our new cycle of conversations between artists and collectors. The protagonists of this first conversation were the Venezuelan artist, born in 1964, José Antonio Hernández-Diez, who lives and works in Spain, and the Venezuelan-Spanish collector, Jimmy Belilty. This event took place within the framework of "Metáforas Latinoamericanas", presented in the LZ46 space of Galería Freijo. The exhibition Metáforas Latinoamericanas includes works by 26 Latin American artists who have contributed to the weaving of 20th century art history and its echoes in the 21st century.
Gabriel Acevedo Velarde
David Alfaro Siqueiros
Antonio Asis
Ángela Bonadies & Juan José Olavarría
Horacio Coppola
Germán Cueto
Philip Ehrenberg
Marisol Escobar
Marcius Galán
Mathias Goeritz
Magdalena Jitrik
Carlos Mérida
Vik Muniz
Arthur Luiz Piza
Miguel Ángel Ríos
Vicente Rojo
Ana Sacerdote
Javier Tellez
Luis Tomasello
Joaquín Torres García
Meyer Vaisman
Remedios Varo
Glenda Zapata